Should you keep your pet in or outdoors?

Should you keep your pet in or outdoors?

Should you keep your pet in or outdoors?

We had the same question when we bought our first home. Previously, Button and Teacup would be outside in their hutch in the winter and when it got really cold, we would bring them inside for the winter.

When we bought our first home we decided to bring them indoors full-time, giving them free rein to go wherever they wished inside the house and in the garden. They loved the freedom and it was great to see them enjoying themselves going wherever they wanted to!

When making the decision to bring them indoors full-time, we considered the following:

  1. Would we have the space and where would they go?
  2. Would they be caged indoors or have their own little area?
  3. Is the house ‘Rabbit’ friendly?
  4. What happens if we got another pet?
  5. How can we give them access to the garden also?

Taking all of the above into consideration, we found we were very lucky and able to accommodate them indoors full-time. We ended up creating them their own space under the stairs in the kitchen which had easy access to the French doors leading onto the secure garden. Under the stairs had storage for all of their food and hay and we even created a gate to close off the area at night time or if we had any friends visit with their dogs.

We protected all of the wires in the house against those sharp teeth and blocked off the underneath of the sofas and beds. We found the last point to be crucial as they both always managed to get themselves stuck previously! 

There is a lot to consider when moving a small pet indoors full time as it isn’t as simple as having a dog or a cat free-roaming your home. That being said, if you have the space, bringing your furry friend indoors is far more ideal for the following reasons:

  1. Protection for the cold and hot weather.
  2. Can keep a closer eye on them which helps spotting potential health problems easier.
  3. Easier to spend quality time with them.
  4. Can be easier to look after as no need for a cage with messy sawdust.

It goes without saying that small pets can live outdoors all year round if cared for correctly, but having them inside is far more convenient. It also allows you to easily spend more time with them like you would a dog or cat, which means you can see the silly things they get up to even more!

Before you make the leap to bring your furry friend indoors, it is always a good idea to consider everything beforehand to make sure you are making the right decision for yourselves, but more importantly, for your pet.

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