About Us

Buttercup Pet Products all started from a simple idea that Button and Teacup gave us. In all honesty, it was mainly Teacup as she is the naughty one out of them both and capable of never before seen amounts of bunstruction! One of her party tricks was that she loved to lift up her water bottle so high, it would fall off their cage!

This wasn't so much of an issue when they used to live outside, as we had multiple bottles for them both. When we moved homes, we created their own indoor space under the stairs with ramps, platforms, and hideaways, but most importantly, nothing caged them in so they could free roam around the house. This presented an issue of ‘where do we put their water bottle?’. 

The 2020 lockdown was the perfect time for one of our founders, Jordan, to get stuck in and come up with a solution to this problem with his CAD (computer-aided design) software and 3D printer, and so our first ever product was born, the wall-mounted bottle holder!

Now in 2023, our founders have big plans to continue to grow Buttercup Pet Products and provide more amazingly innovative, planet-in-mind products to the ever-growing small pet community. We want to show every furry friend lover out there that there is an easier way to care for your little ones, but also do it in style with cool colour ways and even cooler looking products! 

We couldn’t leave it there without telling you a little about Button and Teacup as they are the reason we are here after all!

Button has always been a gentle soul minding her own business and consuming as much as possible….all of the time! As calm and as chilled as she is, she has one superpower and that is digging. When she is in the mood, she can move so much dirt you would think someone with a mini digger had been in the back garden! 

Teacup on the other hand is completely different, she is a little crazy and her main goal in life is to escape! It simply does not matter how much room she has to run around, she will find a way to get out! There would be many times we would look out of the kitchen window and she would be 50 yards down the garden, usually bouncing around with next-doors cat!